

1.3.6 Patch Notes

1.3.6 Patch Notes


  • After a player uses the "Reset Local Phases" option, they now must wait 30 minutes to use it again, increased from the prior wait time of 2 minutes.

Companion Characters


1.3.3 Patch Notes

1.3.3 Patch Notes



  • Implemented optimizations to improve overall server stability.
  • During this maintenance, we are implementing new functionality that will be used later this summer to support automatic character transfers from remaining origin servers to designated destination servers.

Classes and Combat

    Jedi Knight

        • Opportune Attack: This skill now specifically affects Blade Storm, Slash, and Blade Rush. Please note that these changes are not reflected in the ability text.

      Sith Warrior

      • Execute: This skill now specifically affects Force Scream, Vicious Slash, and Massacre. Please note that these changes are not reflected in the ability text.


A Guide to Group Finder

Hi again everyone, my name is Toni Phillips and I’m a part of the production team here for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Now that Group Finder has launched, there are some areas that cause a bit more confusion than others and I wanted to give you a few more details and clarifications about how the feature works. 
You may have seen some of this information in my PTS posts prior to the release of Game Update 1.3. It’s still all relevant, but a lot of the information in this blog is brand new! I want to focus on how the system works today, especially tied to how roles are selected and how groups are formed.